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Required papers for trademark registration
First : – Before registering a trademark, the full activity related to the products or services on which the trademark is placed should be presented to a specialist who will then define the class or classes on which the trademark will be registered in Egypt according to the international classification of goods and services in its latest version . Second :- Making a query about the name or the logo to be registered for the class or classes on which the trademark will be registered to ensure that it is ready for registration . Third :- Filing the application required for registration on the class or classes for which the trademark is used or intended to be used in the future . Fourth :- The application shall be examined by the concerned department of the Governmental Office and the application shall be accepted or rejected based on the researcher’s opinion. Fifth :- If the application is accepted, it shall be published in the Trademark Official Gazette (an official Gazette published by the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade on its official website periodically on the 7th day of each calendar month) for a period of 60 days according to the law. Sixth :- After the lapse of the opposition period (publication in the Gazette for 60 days) and after ensuring that there is no official opposition evoked by any party, the registration fees shall then be paid and the registration certificate shall be received. The trademark will thus become registered and will then have the legal right of defense against any infringement. Note :- If the application is accepted, it shall be published in the Trademark Official Gazette (an official Gazette published by the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade on its official website periodically on the 7th day of each calendar month) for a period of 60 days according to the law.This shall apply to the same products covered by the previous application, all in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the law and the regulations. The second paragraph of the article (75) of Law No. 82 of 2002 adds that in this case, reference shall be made to the date of filing the first application in the foreign country when determining priority. This means that the filing of the application according to the above will entail the right of priority.
The trademark or industrial mark is any sign or indication placed by the trader or the manufacturer on the products he sells or manufactures to distinguish them from other similar products. The trademark or the industrial mark aims to distinguish products to attract the customers and public consumers. The services provided by these marks are exemplified by enabling consumers to readily identify their favorite goods. The trademark or the industrial mark refers either to the country of production, the source of the manufacture of the goods, their origin, type, rank, guarantee, or the method of preparation thereof, or to indicate the provision of a given service.
1 – Name, address, nationality, and profession of the applicant. If the applicant is a company, then its name, address, nationality, and purpose should be provided. When filling out the application for registering a trademark, it is sufficient to provide a photocopy of the commercial register if the applicant is a company or a proof of the applicant’s identity in the case where the commercial register is unavailable. 2 – The mark to be registered as used in the marketplace, taking into account that any foreign letters should be Arabicized in clear marks and that the Arabic version should be drawn in larger letters compared to the foreign language letters only if the applicant is Egyptian. 3 – A detailed statement of the goods or services to be labeled with the trademark in the appropriate class or classes according to the international classification of goods and services (a classification for 45 classes). 4 – An official power of attorney documented by the applicant for representation before the competent authorities to register trademarks. The power of attorney should be signed by the authorized signatory in the case where the applicant is a company, noting that the power of attorney can be filed within 6 months from the date of filing the application. The trademark or the industrial mark aims to distinguish products to attract the customers and public consumers. The services provided by these marks are exemplified by enabling consumers to readily identify their favorite goods. The trademark or the industrial mark refers either to the country of production, the source of the manufacture of the goods, their origin, type, rank, guarantee, or the method of preparation thereof, or to indicate the provision of a given
1- If an application for the registration of a trademark is filed in one of the WTO member states or entities or which have reciprocated deals with the Arab Republic of Egypt, the applicant may, within the six months period following the date of application, file an application similar to that pertaining to the same trademark at the Government Office for the registration of the trademarks in the Arab Republic of Egypt. This shall apply to the same products covered by the previous application, all in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the law and the regulations. The second paragraph of the article (75) of Law No. 82 of 2002 adds that in this case, reference shall be made to the date of filing the first application in the foreign country when determining priority. This means that the filing of the application according to the above will entail the right of priority. The implementing regulations for arranging this right stipulated that the application should satisfy the following conditions: 1- The previous application should have been filed in one of the member states or entities of the World Trade Organization, or in those states or entities having reciprocated deals with the Arab Republic of Egypt in terms of the right of priority. 2- The previous application should be the first application filed for registering the trademark for the same products subject to the application filed in Egypt. 3- The applicant should specify the date on which the first application was filed. 4- The application of the right of priority should be filed within the six months period following the date of filing the first application, otherwise the right of priority shall be forfeited (Article 1/73 of the Regulations). The second paragraph of the same article added that when determining the priority, reference shall be made here to the fulfillment of the terms and conditions thereof on the date of filing the first application. 2- If two or more persons apply at the same time for registration the same trademark or similar trademarks for a single class of products, the registration procedure shall be suspended until one of them has obtained a waiver from his litigants or an enforceable judgment has been rendered in his favor. This means that the priority for filing an application for registering a trademark shall not be finalized unless the right of either application over the other has been ascertained either by a waiver from the litigants or by means of an enforceable judgment in order to avoid the disagreements that may potentially arise between the applicants, as the right of the trademark shall be reverted to the first applicant.
We offer intellectual property services on a global scale
Registering trademarks locally and internationally
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Trademark Issues and Disputes
Quis commodo odio aenean sed adipiscing diam donec. Tellus id interdum velit laoreet id donec ultrices tincidunt arcu.
Recording industrial models and designs.
Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo. Volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur. Nibh tortor id aliquet lectus proin nibh.
Industrial model and design issues and disputes
Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo. Volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur. Nibh tortor id aliquet lectus proin nibh.
Registering factories and trademarks
Porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor. Diam maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices pretium.
Quality certifications of all kinds
Porttitor lacus luctus accumsan tortor. Diam maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices pretium.

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