

Trademark Registration According To The Egyptian Law

Governing Laws :- TRADEMARK ACCORDING TO LAW # 82 OF 2002 Law No. 82 of 2002 has been issued for the protection of intellectual property rights and its implementing egulation has been issued by the Prime Minister’s decree No. 1366…

Trademark Lawsuits

Trademark according to Law 82 of 2002The Egyptian Law No. 82 of 2002 regulates the necessary procedures for registration and protection of trademarks, including the filing of the application, classification, examination, auditing, reviewing and objection, as well as the means…

cases a Trademark Registration application may be rejected

س : ما هي الحالات التي يتم فيها رفض طلب تسجيل العلامة التجارية ؟ من المفترض قانونا أن يتم قبول طلب تسجيل العلامة التجارية إلا في الحالات الآتية : 1- العلامات الخالية من أية صفة مميزة أو المكونة من علامات…